Call for Papers

Author Guidelines

Full Paper Submission IMDES for Student Conference 2025

All paper submissions for IMDES 2025 will go through a double-blind review process conducted by an international review panel. Please read IMDES guidelines thoroughly before submitting your full paper, as they will save you valuable time. If English is not your first language, please ensure that a fluent writer/native speaker proofreads your paper.

You should submit your initial paper in PDF format using the IMDES template. Your paper should be up to 3000 words in length, excluding abstracts and references.

All accepted papers will be published in the online proceedings with an ISSN and will be made accessible on the IMDES 2025 website before the conference. Papers will be given a DOI reference to ensure they are picked up in scholarly web searches.


How your paper will be reviewed

Peer review is central to ensuring both the quality of papers published in the proceedings and the quality of materials presented at the conference. Your paper will be reviewed anonymously by two people and managed by the Program Committee. Reviewers will be asked to construct their reviews in the following way, and you should keep this in mind when writing and proofreading your paper:

• Start your review by summarising the paper in a few sentences, which shall help chairs remember what the paper is about and reassure authors that their paper has been understood.

• State the relevancy of the paper to the conference and mention any particular conference themes that you think fit well with your paper (see for the conference themes);

• Comment on the strengths of the paper and also its main weaknesses; • Suggest constructively how the paper might be improved;

• List any minor errors that need correction;

• Your review is a piece of communication (both to the authors and the review chair). It should be clearly written, concise, well-structured, factual, and polite.

Reviewers will score your paper on a scale of 1 to 10 and recommend one of three outcomes:

1. Accept;

2. Revise;

3. Reject.

Authors will be informed of the outcome but will not be notified of their scores. On receiving their outcome notification, authors will have an opportunity to provide feedback on the quality of the reviews they have had.


Use of Visual Materials

Please think carefully about the presentation of your visual materials. As the proceedings will be published in digital form, you have the opportunity to include good-quality colour images or other media files that help to present your research and its context.


Please make images:

• Large enough to be seen clearly;

• Of good resolution (200dpi);

• Optimised in terms of contrast, etc.;

• Re-sized so that your entire file does not exceed 5 MB;

• Cropped appropriately.

If you are using diagrams, infographics, or other schematics, please ensure that:

• You present the information clearly;

• You use the Calibri font (or similar);

• All text is legible.


Referencing should follow the APA Style 7th Edition


Submitting your paper

In preparing your paper for IMDES 2025, please note the following:

• We are aiming to produce high-quality conference proceedings. Please follow as closely as possible this template structure and associated style guidelines.

• Your initial full paper submission should be in PDF format. Should your paper be accepted, your final submission will be in Word and PDF formats to allow us to prepare the conference proceedings.

Please make sure you can answer ‘yes’ to all the following questions:

• Is the context of the work clearly described?

• Is the contribution that is made clearly stated?

• Does the paper conform to this paper template?

• Has the paper been independently proofread?


Artwork Poster Submission IMDES for Student Exhibition 2025

Poster format and Specifications

  • Size: A0 (84.1 cm × 118.9 cm, portrait)
  • Resolution: 300 dpi for high-quality printing
  • File Format: PDF (CMYK color mode recommended for print accuracy)
  • File Size Limit: Maximum 50 MB

Content requirements

  • Title: Clearly indicate the name of your artwork/project.
  • Author(s) Name and Affiliation: Include your name, institution, and contact information.
  • Concept Statement (150–300 words): Explain the idea, inspiration, and significance of your work.

Visual and Design Guidelines

  • Ensure clarity and readability: Use a balanced layout with a clear hierarchy.
  • Typography:
    • Title: Minimum 50 pt (bold and legible).
    • Name, affiliation and country: 24 pt for readability at a distance.
  • Fonts: Use Nunito Sans in Zip File.

File Naming and Submission

  • Name your file as: LastName_FirstName_IMDES2025_Poster.pdf

When you submit your paper and artwork, you will be prompted to tick a number of topic areas that best fit your research. This will allow the Programme Committee to allocate suitable reviewers to your paper. The Programme Committee will allocate reviewers and oversee the process to ensure consistency across all submissions.


Interested in submitting to this conference?

Before submitting, please ensure that it is prepared in accordance with the Author Guidelines

Submission document should adhere to the conference submission template. Please refer to Submission Template

Artwork Poster Submission should adhere to the Exhibition submission template. Please refer to Artwork Poster Template

Start here to submit a paper to this conference here: Step one of the submission process



Start here to submit a paper to this conference.
Step one of the submission process

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.